How To Buy Running Shoes Online

by megan cahak May 04, 2020 2 min read

How To Buy Running Shoes Online

Are you in the market for new running shoes?

Finding the best running shoe can be tricky because there's so much to consider. Now throw in the fact that all our favorite running stores are closed, and we've got to buy online. Talk about stressful!

So if you're in the market for a new pair, here are a few things to consider: 

Know your exact shoe size. 

Sure, you've been the same shoe since high school, but it's still a good idea to measure your foot, down to a sixteenth of an inch. An easy way to measure is tracing your foot onto a sheet of paper and using aconversion chart to double-check.

Figure out what kind of arch you have. 

Everyone has a unique gait, and manufacturers offer shoes that conform to specific strides and arch heights. If you're not sure what your arch height is, there's a simple at-home test to find that too: get your feet damp and step onto a piece of cardboard or a paper grocery bag. If there's more than a thin sliver of arch showing in your footprint, you've got flat feet and should look for shoes that say they're designed to help with stability. People with normal or high arches can opt for a neutral shoe. 

Think about what type of running you'll be doing most. 

Are you a sprinter or long-distance runner? It makes a difference in which shoe you go with. So if you're feeling spry and planning to sprint your miles, try a lightweight shoe with a thinner sole. But if you're planning on longer runs, consider a shoe with a bit more substance to keep you comfortable. 

Learn the store's return policy

Most running stores offer a 60-day money-back guarantee. So if you don't love how your new shoes feel, you can send them back for a refund or exchange. Better yet, if you're able - buy a couple of different pairs of shoes and sizes at once then decide which works best for you. 

Don't overthink it!

Finding your next pair of running shoes comes down to finding the best fit for your run right away. We suggest sticking with what you know, give yourself room to try on a few options, then pick your favorite. And remember, don't stress! You'll find the right pair and be enjoying your new shoes in no time.

megan cahak
megan cahak